Procter & Gamble’s Orgullosa partners with Anti-Cancer League to help Latinas avoid breast cancer

Patricia Molina| 8 de octubre de 2013

Aprenda sobre la detección temprana para combatir el cáncer de mama

Procter & Gamble’s online Latina community known as Orgullosa is partnering with La Liga Contra El Cancer, a center that provides free cancer services for low-income patients, to raise awareness among the Latino community about the importance of early detection of breast cancer.As part of this effort, Orgullosa started an online interactive hub aimed at motivating Latinas to take control of their health and share information about the importance of early detection in combating cancer. This online initiative discovered by means of a study that 80 percent of Latinas have no idea whether they are more or less prone to contracting the illness. And while 88 percent say they know how to do a breast self-examination, only 45 percent of them do it monthly. Women between ages 55-64 are more likely to examine their breasts than young women between ages 18-34.Orgullosa Senior Brand Manager Luis Restrepo said the rate of breast cancer among Latinas is inordinately high. “At Procter & Gamble, we recognize that early detection is critical to protecting women’s health and combating the disease. That’s why we’ve developed an online initiative that not only provides women with information, but rallies them to help spread the message that early detection saves lives,” Restrepo said.The program will feature talks by bloggers around the United States, who will also conduct live chats on the subject, and for each like on the Orgullosa Facebook page, $1.00 will be donated and the Liga Contra El Cancer will offer 300 mammograms free to needy women.

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